CRISIL is nothing if not supportive. We encourage our employees in all their endeavours and provide them with excellent opportunities to reach their potential. With 4000+ employees and offices in China, Singapore, Poland, UK, USA, Argentina, and UAE, the CRISIL family continues to expand beyond barriers. Our global outreach acts as a stepping stone for all those who want to explore global prospects and widen their scope of work. This stellar opportunity for growth, both individual and professional, is what makes our employees loyal, proactive, and extremely competent.
Our sustainable growth is a fruitful result of years of perseverance, hard work, and a complete refusal to compromise. We pride ourselves on maintaining excellent work standards throughout our organisation. At CRISIL, there is no place for carelessness or sloppy work. Outstanding work ethics, flawless attention to detail, and a tenacity to succeed is what sets us apart. CRISIL’s heritage is its ability to provide quality work with precision. Each and every one of our employees all across the globe is creating an impact, and pushing the boundaries, to scale new heights of success and leave behind an important footprint in this digital world.
CRISIL also places a lot of importance and value on the future of its employees and clients. The world today is run by pioneers and leaders. It is constantly evolving and developing into new prospects. We contribute to this ever-changing landscape by giving our employees constant attention, assistance, and growth prospects to succeed in their endeavours. At CRISIL, we recognise talent and nurture it with open arms to create a generation of new leaders who can take innovation to a whole new level. We also understand our responsibility in giving back to the society. CRISIL Foundation is a part of our CSR initiative to help and assist the financially underprivileged segments and the rural population in our country in financial matters. It wishes to strengthen the economic scene by educating and using experiential learning platforms to bring about social and financial change. CRISIL CSR program also includes environment conservation drives by the employees, as well as contributions to disaster and relief management during natural calamities like floods, earthquakes and so on. We, at CRISIL, comprehend the fact that social and economic change are two sides of the same coin, and strive hard to motivate our employees and build a robust foundation for them to develop and augment so that they’re better prepared to be the bright leaders of the future.
Once you’re a part of our team, you can rest assured that your life is all set to change. At CRISIL, our employees find a hitherto unexplored gamut of opportunities to choose from. Be it bringing out the best in you or enabling you to explore your capabilities to the fullest, we give our employees the complete freedom and space to create and innovate. In a friendly, honest environment, budding talents get a platform to express themselves and realise their dreams. We even have something for our future recruits.