About Us:
Nexdigm is an employee-owned, privately held, independent globalorganization that helps companies across geographies meet the needs of adynamic business environment. Our focus on problem-solving, supported by ourmultifunctional expertise enables us to provide customized solutions for ourclients.
Weprovide integrated, digitally driven solutions encompassing Business andProfessional Services that help companies navigate challenges across all stagesof their life cycle. Through our direct operations in the USA, Poland, UAE, andIndia, we serve a diverse range of clients, spanning multinationals, listedcompanies, privately-owned companies, and family-owned businesses from over 50countries.
Ourmultidisciplinary teams serve a wide range of industries, with a specific focuson healthcare, food processing, and banking and financial services. Over thelast decade, we have built and leveraged capabilities across key global marketsto provide transnational support to numerous clients.
Frominception, our founders have propagated a culture that values professionalstandards and personalized service. An emphasis on collaboration and ethicalconduct drives us to serve our clients with integrity while delivering high-quality, innovative results. We act as partners to our clients and take aproactive stance in understanding their needs and constraints, to provideintegrated solutions.
Qualityat Nexdigm is of utmost importance, and we are ISO/ISE 27001 certified forinformation security and ISO 9001 certified for quality management.
We havebeen recognized over the years by global organizations, like the InternationalAccounting Bulletin and Euro Money Publications.
Nexdigm resonates with our plungeinto a new paradigm of business; it is our commitment to Think Next.
To know more about us,visit www.nexdigm.com
Your job responsibilities will include:
Core Competencies:
1. Service Orientation – Should be aware of both -the internal as well as external customers and their needs; and is committed tomeeting the customers’ evolving, long-term needs – the focus is on SERVICE
2. Result Orientation – Should be able to directefforts towards developing and implementing realistic action plans to meet business objectives; with a sense of urgency – the focus is on achievingRESULTS
3. Initiative – One must not onlyunderstand and accept the responsibilities towards his/her job; but alsoproactively works towards identifying challenges and its resolution – the focusis on seeking SOLUTIONS
4. Professionalism – Should have in-depthknowledge of all functions and displays not only required skill-set, but alsoethics and integrity while conducting the job – the focus is onPROFESSIONALISM
5. Cooperation – One must ensure completionof all tasks at hand and simultaneously extends support to team members and displays joint ownership towards achieving businessobjectives – the focus is on TEAMWORK
6. Communication/Feedback– Shouldbelieve in providing feedback to other associates and receiving feedbacks toenhance performance, thereby meeting business objectives – the focus is on OPENCOMMUNICATION
Working Model: Work-from-office