Advt. No. 10/Project/2024/HR
Interview for Project Research Associate-I position
Title of Project: Understanding the functions of transgelin-2 in cell division.
Duration: Till 09th March 2025
Essential Qualifications: PhD in cell biology and biochemistry with at least one first-authored publication
in a peer-reviewed international journal. Previous research experience and practical knowledge of working
with basic molecular biology and biochemistry techniques, mammalian cell culture, gene knockdown and
overexpression, high resolution fixed and live cell confocal microscopy and quantitative image analysis is
Desirable Qualifications: Candidates with experience in proteomics, good oral and written
communication skills and ability to work independently are preferred.
Principal Investigator: Prof. Sivaram V. S. Mylavarapu
No. of Position ~ 1 (One)
Fellowship: Rs. 47,000/- + HRA (as per funding agency norms)
Date: May 8,2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 10:00 AM
Venue: Regional Centre for Biotechnology, NCR Biotech Science Cluster, 3rd Milestone, Faridabad-
Gurgaon Expressway, Faridabad – 121001, Haryana.
All candidates should bring originals and one photocopy of all the documents supporting their
qualifications along with a complete updated biodata to the Centre on May 8,2024 (Wednesday) at 9.00 AM.
Candidates will be entertained for the interview only after verification of documents.
Candidates reaching after 11:00 AM may not be entertained.
For any query, you may contact PI by Email:
Regional Centre for Biotechnology,
3rd Milestone, Faridabad-Gurgaon Expressway
NCR Biotech Science Cluster, Faridabad,
Faridabad – 121001, (Haryana).
Ph: 0129-2848800